Miracles 4 My'isha


Neuroblastoma has returned, but to what extent? — January 30, 2016

Neuroblastoma has returned, but to what extent?

My’isha and I spent 2 days in the hospital to determine how far neuroblastoma has been able to spread across my baby girl’s body. We went with a CT scan and an MIBG scan to look for tumors and/or neuroblastoma cells that are still reactant with the MIBG test. Her Dr also did a bilateral bone marrow aspirate, where she pokes holes in My’isha’s iliac crest and draws not blood, but bone marrow from within the bone. Of course she was sedated, which was close to a total of 3 hours sedation total. We didn’t leave the hospital til close to 5, so I knew I wouldn’t get any results until the following day.

The life of a cancer family mostly consists of waiting and worrying. So that is pretty much what everyone who knows and loves My’isha has been doing for at least the past week. When we got the positive neuroblastoma on Jan 21st, 2016 from her lymph node, we have all been sitting on the edge of our chairs biting our nails and crying and praying and worrying. I knew what I was in for today… everyone has been waiting to hear results. Her daddy called me 3 times this morning, my mom called, my dad called, her titi text me… I knew what they wanted, but it wasn’t until I picked the boys up from school and was eating lunch at my mom’s house that I finally got the call.

Dr. Macy told me that the neuroblastoma is only in My’isha’s lymph node under her arm (another lump formed days after the original was removed for biopsy) and in the bone of her forearm. There is no sign of disease anywhere else in her body. Her bone marrow does show a very low count of neuroblastoma cells as well, but nothing like what we were all prepared for. We caught the disease before it could take over!

I guess I can give myself some credit for staying on top of everything, from her weight, to her arm, to the lymph node… it has been a wild couple of months, leading into an even more wild few months. I don’t want to make plans or set goals, because cancer… especially neuroblastoma is unpredictable and we really don’t know what the rest of our year is going to look like. We will prepare for the worst, but remain positive and realistic. Sometimes what may seem a bit far fetched, is still very possible. I don’t think it was in our favor for the disease to be as localized as it is, but I knew it was possible, and I told everyone what the best and worst case scenarios were and we ended up with the best case scenario witht the given biopsy results.

We are in for a lot of traveling back and forth from Colorado Springs to Denver. We are doing our best to keep life as normal, not for ourselves, and not just so My’isha has a normal like to come back to, but also for our boys. We need to all stay focused on school so we can help take care of My’isha and eachother.

So far, the schedule only consists of a central line placement surgery next week. We will meet with her Dr to discuss treatment plans and schedule that day. We need to keep positive and hope the neuroblastoma cells respond to treatment and we can eradicate her little body of the evil cooties with as little damage to her as possible.

Be sure to follow Miracles 4 My’isha on Facebook. If you are interested in contributing to gas, food, hotel stays, or anything else, you can purchase merchandise from Creations 4 Miracles 4 My’isha on Facebook or click HERE to make a donation right to her PayPal account. Contact us at Miracles4Myisha@Gmail.com for more info or questions. Thank you all so much for reading and the continued support. Don’t forget to smile through it all!

To paint, or not to paint… that is the question — November 2, 2015

To paint, or not to paint… that is the question

I found this free dresser for My’isha the other day on Craig’s List.

Free dresser I found on Craig's List
Free dresser I found on Craig’s List

When I went to go pick it up, I thought it would be a fun project to paint and fix. However, I wasn’t expecting it to be in such good condition. I mean, yeah, it can use a paint job, but it had already been repainted. Other than the paint chipping in place, the water damage to the top, and some paint or nail polish stains, it is in GREAT condition.

Stains and water marks on the top of the dresser I found on Craig’s List
The gentleman that gave me the dresser also gave me 3 pails of paint and painting supplies including paint brush, paint pan and liner and a roller brush. He was setting me up for a fun paint project and getting rid of a bunch of paint in the process.

Chipped wood that has already been painted over.
When I got the dresser home and in the house, I set it by the back porch so I could get it ready for painting. The more I looked at it, the less I wanted to take the chance of messing it up. When Mikey started telling me everything I needed to do to prep it for painting, I really started debating.

I know it is not perfect. It was free. To paint or not to paint is the question.
So, here is my dilemma, do I paint this dresser, or not? I already lined the inside of the drawers, I wiped it down, and I fixed the divider between the 2 top drawers. This will be my first big painting project, so I am not sure how well I will do. Is it worth the risk and the extra work of repainting at this point?

Creations 4 Miracles, gifts for childhood cancer warriors — September 20, 2015

Creations 4 Miracles, gifts for childhood cancer warriors

Creations 4 Miracles 4 My’isha 

I began by making shirts for Stevie Tre and My’isha on her first birthday. Thinking back, I had to have been inspired by the boutiques I was shopping at for My’isha in Oklahoma and Colorado Springs. I managed a Chuck E Cheese in Oklahoma City and I saw my fair share of SUPER CUTE birthday party themes, and I couldn’t go to my job with a lame party, right?

My'isha's 1st & Tre's 3rd brithday at Chuck E Cheese in their handmade birthday shirts.
My’isha’s 1st & Tre’s 3rd birthday at Chuck E Cheese in their handmade birthday shirts.

Here is the shirt I made for Stevie Tre’s birthday. I had so much fun! I met him choose the patch that he wanted and the style of number, and I did the rest with some help from my cousin Stephen Burke.

243143_10151070729622073_1520222223_oHe loved the shirt and wore it many times after his birthday.


Here is the onesie I made for My’isha’s 1st birthday.

This is the first onesie I made for My'isha.
This is the first onesie I made for My’isha.

At this point, she had not been diagnosed with cancer, but we had recently found out about her 6q25.3 microdeletion.

She was already so much of a princess, turning warrior, by her 1st birthday.

The front of My'isha's 1st birthday onesie.
The front of My’isha’s 1st birthday onesie.
The Princess Warrior's 2nd birthday and BMT bithday onesie.
The Princess Warrior’s 2nd birthday and BMT birthday onesie.
My'isha's B.M.T bithday was on her actual 2nd birthday.
My’isha’s B.M.T bithday was on her actual 2nd birthday.

By the time her 2nd birthday came around, she well into chemotherapy, and she received her stem cells from her stem cells transplant on her 2nd birthday. I HAD to make a onesie for that day!

I have made a couple of shirts for myself and friends for fundraisers and to send to folks who were able to donate a certain amount to My’isha’s B.M.T. Birthday.

I still have 2 of the shirts I made, one hangs above her bed, and the other is tucked away for safe-keeping.

Fundraiser tee worn at our first fundraising event.
Fundraiser tee worn at our first fundraising event.

My’isha and I had earned a reputation from a local radio station, called 1Blunt Radio, of Colorado Fans. They invited us out to a tail gate party where they were to dedicate their newly released, Colorado Fan, song to My’isha. Here are a couple of onesies I made for that season.

My'isha's Bronco sleeveless onesie
My’isha’s Bronco sleeveless onesie

That was the year we went to the Super Bowl too. Go BRONCOS!

My'isha's longsleeve Broncos onesie.
My’isha’s longsleeve Broncos onesie.

The actual shirts themselves are the most expensive part. I am willing to personalize gear the you already have or find something new. Also check out our handmade jewelery made by My’isha’s oldest brother Alijah.

Small items Alijah, Xavier, and I made for My'isha's fundraiser.
Small items Alijah, Xavier, and I made for My’isha’s fundraiser.

All funds that are put into paypal.me/miracles4myisha will go towards obtaining materials to deliver to children who are inpatient during an event or occasion. I am looking to have a nice size delivery for the Children’s Hospital of Colorado by Christmas time. For more information please do not hesitate to email Miracles4Myisha@gmail.com or reach out to us via Facebook as well.

Creations 4 Miracles 4 My’isha — September 10, 2015

Creations 4 Miracles 4 My’isha

If you have been following us on Facebook, then you already know about our arts and crafts. If you are new to our story, please read on.

My’isha was a very special baby all the way back to when she was in my tummy. She is missing a piece of her 6th chromosome which makes her a special princess. She has also beat cancer, while she was learning to walk and communicate. That pretty much makes her a Princess Warrior.

I, am just her mommy. I do my best to support the amazingness this young lady brings into this world. When we entered the world of cancer treatment, I found myself researching and doing everything to keep My’isha happy and comfortable while not neglecting my 3 boys.

There came a point when my busy-body kicked in, and I had to do SOMETHING. I wasn’t leaving My’isha at the hospital for any amount if time, so trying to keep my mind occupied led to an awakening of my creativity.

So, Creations 4 Miracles 4 My’isha is a Facebook page for me to show off the creations I or My’isha’s brother’s, Alijah and Xavier, have made either while My’isha was going through her treatment, or afterwards trying to make money for my family.

I had to have something to do, all those lonely nights in the hospital. So, I rediscovered arts and crafts. It was probably one of the best things to happen to me over the past few years. I love to create things for people.

Here are some photos of the items I have left. I am putting them up for donations on Creations 4 Miracles 4 My’isha. All you need to do is comment on the photo of the item you want, the amount that you are willing to donate for them item. Then, you go to paypal.com/miracels4myisha and make your donations. Once your donation is received, we will send you the gift you posted on.

Funds from this fundraiser will go towards My’isha’s birthday party. Her birthday is a week before her brother Xavier, so it makes it a little tough to all of the things we want to do for them. All contributions will go straight to making sure they both get the birthday celebrations they deserve.

It is a little ironic that #ChildhoodCancer #Awareness month falls on My’isha’s birthday month. She will be 4 years old this month, and this is her last year of preschool before she moves on to Kindergarten. I am so excited for her!

These are a few key chains handmade by myself and My’isha’s brothers.
Handmade hemp necklace with black and silver charm
Handmade hemp necklace with black and silver charm
Represent the Denver Broncos with this set of a necklace and bracelet, or choose the bracelet alone for a brighter blue and orange.
Represent Colorado and our Broncos with this set of a necklace and bracelet, or choose the bracelet alone for a brighter blue and orange.

This handmade choker has very cute purple accents. Perfect for wearing with anything.
Show your Colorado pride with this handmade necklace. 
This necklace has a retro feel to , with a Colorado Style Peace sign charm and glow in the dark beads and thread. Perfect for a room accent AND fashion accessory.
Handmade charm and necklace. This collaboration is all handmade in Colorado. Show your Colorado pride in a way that makes a difference.