Miracles 4 My'isha


To paint, or not to paint… that is the question — November 2, 2015

To paint, or not to paint… that is the question

I found this free dresser for My’isha the other day on Craig’s List.

Free dresser I found on Craig's List
Free dresser I found on Craig’s List

When I went to go pick it up, I thought it would be a fun project to paint and fix. However, I wasn’t expecting it to be in such good condition. I mean, yeah, it can use a paint job, but it had already been repainted. Other than the paint chipping in place, the water damage to the top, and some paint or nail polish stains, it is in GREAT condition.

Stains and water marks on the top of the dresser I found on Craig’s List
The gentleman that gave me the dresser also gave me 3 pails of paint and painting supplies including paint brush, paint pan and liner and a roller brush. He was setting me up for a fun paint project and getting rid of a bunch of paint in the process.

Chipped wood that has already been painted over.
When I got the dresser home and in the house, I set it by the back porch so I could get it ready for painting. The more I looked at it, the less I wanted to take the chance of messing it up. When Mikey started telling me everything I needed to do to prep it for painting, I really started debating.

I know it is not perfect. It was free. To paint or not to paint is the question.
So, here is my dilemma, do I paint this dresser, or not? I already lined the inside of the drawers, I wiped it down, and I fixed the divider between the 2 top drawers. This will be my first big painting project, so I am not sure how well I will do. Is it worth the risk and the extra work of repainting at this point?